Current Students
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Bell Schedule
New World School of the Arts Bell Schedule
CAP Corner
Supporting Undocumented Students
Student Services
General Information
* NWSA students do not have the 18-Credit Option
Schedule Change Requests
Schedule change requests may only be completed at certain times during the school year. The link will be active during those periods only. Dates and timelines will be shared with students and families via our school messaging systems. Please note that these are simply requests, your counselor and administration must approve before changes are made to any schedule.
Senior Information
Pre-arranged Absence Procedures
Congratulations Seniors! We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished during your time at New World School of the Arts. For updated information from your CAP Advisor and Counselors, please check SCOIR. The space has been designed specifically with you in mind. Check here for school planned events JUST FOR YOU
Schedule Your Senior Pictures
New World School of the Arts is a school bustling with activity and rich in tradition. Our goal is to continue our great traditions as it’s one of the ways that NWSA connects as family. We are proud of our activities program. Get involved and stay connected!
Clubs & Organizations
Are you looking for a way to contribute to your school community? Do you want a way to give back and leave a mark on your classmates and our school? Clubs is one of the ways you can get that done. NWSA has more than 20 clubs and honor societies. Most meeting during lunch time. Get active, get busy, get involved today!
View Clubs & Sponsors.
Community Service
As part of the high school graduation requirements and the New World School of the Arts educational experience, students are required to perform community service throughout their high school career. In keeping with this theme, a minimum of 75 community service hours must be recorded by the end of Junior year.
All students must use the attached Community Service Activity Log Form to record their community service hours. Completed forms should be emailed to Students must obtain the signature of the adult who supervised their community service. Parents may NOT sign as a student’s supervisor. Students must use one form for each supervisor they perform community service with. It is recommended that students select one activity and one supervisor for extended periods of time (e.g., quarter, semester, or year) to reduce the number of forms that are submitted. Students who complete service hours outside of NWSA need to submit a letter from the non-profit organization on its letterhead with information about their service project (total hours, dates of completion, supervisor contact information, etc.)
Students may refer to for ideas about how they may help their community. Examples include, but are not limited to, tutoring, cleaning parks and beaches, preparing care packages, volunteering at animal shelters, walk-a-thons, volunteering at hospitals and nursing homes, school beautification, and many more. Additionally, the faculty and staff of New World School of the Arts will offer several opportunities throughout the year for students to participate in community service projects as part of their course, club, or society affiliation.
Download your activity form and log.
Code of Student Conduct
The Code of Student Conduct (COSC) is aligned to local, state, and federal mandates with an emphasis on promoting a safe learning environment to ensure academic success. The Code of Student Conduct sets the standards of conduct expected of students in a purposeful safe learning environment which the principles of care, courtesy, civility, fairness, acceptance of diversity, and respect for the rights of others is valued. It also addresses the role of the parents/guardians, the students, and school, but also focuses on core values and model student behavior, rights, and responsibilities of students, addressing student behavior, and disciplinary procedures.
Furthermore, it should also be noted that behaviors committed on or off the school campus may be violations of the COSC and may also be violations of Florida law. These violations may result in disciplinary actions imposed by local law enforcement authorities, in addition to those of the school/district. The Superintendent, principals, and other administrators shall assign discipline/corrective strategies to students pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct and, where required by law, protect the student’s due process rights to notice, hearing, and appeal.
Code of Student Conduct (COSC)
Mental Health
New World School of the Arts wants all our students to be in the best of health – physically and mentally. To this end, we join with our District’s Student Services Department to provide resources for students and parents.
More information about mental health services.
Florida State Assessments
Transcript Request
Each year the NWSA yearbook is created, produced, sold, and distributed by the wonderful and very talented students in our annual yearbook course. Yearbook sales are conducted online through MDCPS OSP found in your portal. Please note that advertising in the yearbook is available and accommodates various sizes ranging in price from $5 to $200. In addition, we have yearbooks from most of the previous years which are available at reduced pricing including shipping.
Contact the school office at 305-237-3135 for information on how to get copies of previously released yearbooks