Principal's Message

Greetings New World School of the Arts Family! New World School of the Arts (NWSA) continues to be the nation’s premier arts conservatory. With renowned programs in visual arts, theater, music and dance, our school continues to set standards for the artistic training of high school students. Additionally, New World boasts some of the strongest teachers in the business – content experts who are passionate about teaching and learning. The combination of our robust artistic and academic programs coupled with creative thinking and problem solving makes our students unstoppable. Simply put, our alumni run everything from Broadway to this nation’s boardrooms.
We are committed to our students, our families, our community and our great legacy. Feel free to contact the school or schedule a visit. You’re invited to Experience Class at New World School of the Arts!
Dr. Contessa S. Bryant, Principal
Room 5605, 6th floor of Building 5
Office: 305-237-3605
25 NE 2nd Street
Room 5605
Miami, Florida 33132
Office: 305-237-3135