Key 88
Establishing a Legacy of Harmonious Giving
The success and value of New World School of the Arts is soundly demonstrated through the many accomplishments of its graduates. Even though over 80%of NWSA college students qualify for financial assistance and 20% of high school students are economicallydisadvantaged, 100%graduate from high school and 94%go on to college. The discipline, passion and creative problem-solving skills instilled by the NWSA experience allow college graduates to go on to great success in fields that include the arts, communications, education, business and more.
Committed to ongoing excellence in education and supported by Miami philanthropist R. Kirk Landon and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, New World School of the Arts developed Key88, a multi-million-dollarfundraising initiative to ensure that NWSA students receive the best educational experience possible. As you join this worthy effort today, your gift will multiply through individual, foundation, and State matches. For example, the minimum gift of $5,000 required to participate in Key88 will, after matching funds, deposit $11,000 into the endowment account. We need your support. Please take advantage of this opportunity to maximize your giving power and support a school that makes Miami a better place.
For more information about Key88 and how you can donate through this initiative, please contact Dr. Jeffrey Hodgson at 305-237-3417 or e-mail at: jhodgson@mdc.edu.